Snug As A Bun On A Rug!

It’s 10 PM, and look who’s winding down.

Both my little pals are safely snug around my chair, keeping the floor warm, and my chair in one position, leaving it impossible to go anywhere.

Bun loves the bathroom mat because it’s memory foam.
I guess we know what to get her for Christmas this year?

Today, Ash and I went for a visit to no, not the vet… but to Petco!

Man, did he love that. He was a bit uncertain about the kenneled cats. In fact, he really didn’t like the part where one hissed at him, but being the curious boy he is kept going back… and going back, and GOING BACK! gr. 

You know, I don’t understand you Petco.
Why would you have unpackaged rawhides at doggy level, and them not be complimentary?
It really confused us both!

August 11 2013

August 11 2013

Tomorrow is Wednesday.
The weekend will be here before ya know it!


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