1st Birthday + Updates + Instagram + Uncut Video Footage!

It’s my Birthday, and I’ll sit if I want to

This is almost a week late, but I’m still trying to get by with a laptop that acts like a dinosaur, and the battery charger for my camera has come up missing! I’ve literally spent the last few weeks either cleaning or watching American Dad marathons on Netflix. Yep, I’m almost through the entire show! I haven’t felt very productive, but I did manage to throw a mini celebration of Ash turning a year old on the 16th.

You know you’re a loving pet owner, when for a month you’re thinking about all the different things you can do to make your pup’s birthday special. I mean, it’s not like they’re gonna know! Ash just wanted his toy and a few treats. He could give 2 paws down if he has silly streamers, or balloons. He’s a dog! I did make a bunch of plans, and set out to get him a lot of fun stuff, but plans fall through, and as of lately… plans fall through a lot. Ha..
The thing is that Chris and I have thus far raised a very happy Husky. Sure, he gets overly-excited still, and refuses to sit until about the fourth request, but that’s Mr. Ash, and he still needs some workin’ on. We just met the 1 year milestone. We have many more to go.
Ash's 1st Birthday - 1/16/13

Ash’s 1st Birthday – 1/16/13


ALSO! Since my computer went down a couple of months ago, and I’ve not been able to edit and do much on my current laptop, I find myself posting much more on my Instagram account! Please, if you love seeing Ash and Honey, come follow us there.

Instagram : (xspiritbarex)