True Doggy Parents

True Doggy Parents

True animal Parents treat their beloved pets just like they would their own children. As a parent to the only child I have, Mr. Ash as you can see in the previous picture; I celebrate these momentous events such as his first birthday. He’s my baby, and I’m incredibly grateful to have this loving being around to teach me the ways of forgiveness and patience.

How do you celebrate the birthdays, or do you?

When Getting To The End Of Your Rope

Tie A Knot And Hang On!

January 2014

January 2014

Can anyone else be more thankful for the weekend than I am?!

I hate coming home to chores. :/ Honey had an accident in the house… and it was on THE COUCH! I was pretty put-out while cleaning this up because she didn’t even have the decency to hop down on the floor.

Ash got in the trash and shoved a banana peel down THE COUCH!

And Honey, yet again did something destructive and scratched up the carpet on the top of the stairs.

I had a difficult time containing my cool when the first thing I have to do when walking through the front door is clean up. Silly us for thinking that buying a trash bin with a lid would keep the Husky out of the garbage.

Knikki’s New Hair+Ash The Background Prancer

Ash is my little background buddy, prancing about, stealing the spotlight. 🙂

He’s just too adorable when he runs around with rope toys. 

Hope everyone’s Monday is going great so far!!

Just 1 More Month, Everyone!

Just 1 More Month, Everyone!

January 16th of this year we brought baby Ash home and he was ours. When the new year rings in, Ash will officially be 1 YEAR! We are thrilled, and I intend to spend this entire month of December planning wonderful things for him. I’m such a Doggy Mom, aren’t I?! I love it.

How Posts Get Made: Behind the Scenes?

I’ve usually got my little booger either under my chair, at my feet, or literally ON my feet. 🙂


He’s always keepin’ an eye on his Momma.


Kick ‘Em Up, & Take A Rest

I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but we here have a long couple of days so far.

For goodness sake, Ash rearranged the L-room with his mouth today!

spring cleaner

Who knew we were spring cleaning already?!

It’s no surprise how worn out he is…

kennel sleeper

Chris and I didn’t exactly like where he put his room, so it’s back where it belongs. o.o


He really could care less, donchu think?
He loves not having the blankets or towels in there anymore. The cool metal feels good on his fur. 🙂

Plus, he would tinkle in everryyy blanket we put in there, and he’s usually very good at holding his bladder.

little stinker.

It’s Pretty Outside

It's Pretty Outside

& I only have 4 hours of work. 😉 I think I’ll walk the Ash when I get off.

On an entirely different note: There are workers in our house replacing a door, making some kinda ruckus, and Ash really doesn’t approve. He’s whining, and moving around in his ken-ken because of the discomfort the hammering downstairs is to his ears. Poor guy.. ;/ If only he could go outside and they not let him in every time they walk out there. -___-

Should Animals Be Allowed On The Bed?


I don’t know. Would you deny someone this cute?

Most people would agree that dogs are great cuddle buddies, but this begs the question, should we allow them in our beds? 

Conventional wisdom tells us that letting your dog sleep in your bed with you can cause them to believe they’re the alpha, giving them the illusion they’re in control because in bed, they (large dogs at least) are taller than you.

Currently, Ash has either Chris or I with him at home during the day. The only time he’s ever alone (in his kennel,) is when the both of us are doing errands outside of the house. We don’t let Ash roam the house while we’re here for more than 3 hours at a time. He’s always with one of us, but a lot of the time he’s also outside doing his business and playing alone, sleeping in his kennel, eating in his kennel, underneath the stairs, or lying on the floor somewhere with a toy, or even just napping. These activities are all when he’s by himself, so of course, when we lie down to sleep, we allow Ash up in our bed for a while, sometimes he’s even good enough to nap…sometimes.

Dogs take comfort in your company, just being near you.

Sleeping with your dog, and having him in your bed may have negative factors. In fact, these are quite logical.

Whether or not you’re actually allergic to pet dander, you pup goes outside to go to the bathroom, get exercise and generally just have fun. And while he’s out there, he’s exposed to a number of things you could be allergic too, not the least of which is pollen, which will stick in his fur, which he subsequently brings to the bed, which could aggravate your symptoms.

Reference Article


I’d rather have this. Wouldn’t you?
