When Getting To The End Of Your Rope

Tie A Knot And Hang On!

January 2014

January 2014

Can anyone else be more thankful for the weekend than I am?!

I hate coming home to chores. :/ Honey had an accident in the house… and it was on THE COUCH! I was pretty put-out while cleaning this up because she didn’t even have the decency to hop down on the floor.

Ash got in the trash and shoved a banana peel down THE COUCH!

And Honey, yet again did something destructive and scratched up the carpet on the top of the stairs.

I had a difficult time containing my cool when the first thing I have to do when walking through the front door is clean up. Silly us for thinking that buying a trash bin with a lid would keep the Husky out of the garbage.

Ash Adjusts To Life Again

“These last two weeks have been ruff. I’m missing a big part of me..”
January Ash
“I find myself wandering the house, asking “wut r this?” because I’ve been away too long.”
what r this

what r this

“Mom put up a tree where my room used to be.”
Ash's 1st Christmas Tree

Ash’s 1st Christmas Tree

{Poll} Letting Your Pets Roam Free, What do you think? {Poll}

Do you ever get in the car, and make it half-way to your destination before you realize,
“Hey, I think I forgot something.”

We all have.


In this case, I had forgot to put Ash in his kennel.
He was roaming the house freely.
Oh no, the trash is full….


And this was him when I had returned.

Lately, however, Chris and I have been able to go to bed with Ash in our bedroom, and wake up to the room the way we left it the previous night. He hasn’t made any messes, or hopped up on our bed with us while we slept.

This is a great sign! I don’t think I’m ready to let him stay out in the house just yet though. I’m too afraid of all the things he could get into. How horrible would it be to come home to destroyed couch? O_O

So I ask you: At what age should a dog be allowed to freely roam the house when you’re away, if ever? 

I know of many pet owners that always secure their dogs in an area when they leave. Trusting your dogs with your furniture can be really difficult. When I lived with my parents, our two dogs were allowed out of their kennels while we slept. A lot of the time we would wake up to potty accidents, and toilet paper rolls destroyed. If ever I left my bedroom door open, and my dirty clothes were accessible, my underwear would get torn up as well.

I guess it’s safe to say that I’m a TAD BIT leery of the idea still.

REWIND! Let us take a small look back for a moment and remember-

Recognize this gorgeous pup?

Before we met Ash

It’s our baby, Ash before we even met him!

This picture brings back so many emotions for both of us. When Chris and I saw this specific picture on the website, we just KNEW he was ours because our hearts instantly melted. This is the first picture we could actually distinguish his features. The first picture he looked more like a puppy, not a baby, and his soft eyes had us right then.

Very 1st Picture of Ash

This was the very FIRST picture we ever saw of Ash. This was also the first picture I printed of him, and still have displayed on my wall. I keep this to look up at next to my computer because he was born this day (January 16.) Just a little fur bundle, isn’t he?

We can’t say that anymore. He’s more than just a fur ball, he looks nearly grown, yet has a quite a way still.

Today, Ash is 22 weeks old.

He’s 5 months, and 9 days.

He’s been in this world for 160 days.

Earlier tonight as I was up in bed with Chris, and Ash was in between us licking my arm, I was thinking about his year birthday. Yes, I know it’s far off from now, but can you blame me for being excited? Silly me, because I have so many ideas and plans for that day. He’s gonna be big. O_O He’ll wear a party hat though. He’ll be a  a big year old Husky, with a goofy party hat on his head (if it even stays with the pointy ears he has.)

June 2013

June 2013

June 2013

June 2013

Have any throwback photos to share?

Please do!

Yours, Knikki


His Majesty Enjoying Le’ Pool

Let’s Go Swimming!!!

June 4, 2013

June 4, 2013

Here we are again at the kitty pool. We all know this is one of Ash’s most favorite places.
Today the water was all out of it. Chris and I watched him dig and dig and dig inside of it, as if trying to find water.


Even when it’s cool outside, he absolutely loves to get in the water and dunk his head around.





Get that watuhr out of my ear!

I challenge you to caption this.

I challenge you to caption this.

The more I stare, the more I laugh.


"I am an ashamed puppy, wet fur, and the reason you laugh. Just don't even look at me..."

“My fur is damp, and imperfect. Just don’t even look at me…”

"I said don't."

“I said don’t.

"Like what you see?"

“Like what you see?”

He owns the kitty pool.




I wouldn’t get in there with him if I were you.

Daddy was on his way to turn off the water.

Daddy was on his way to turn off the water.

Nylabone Product Review: Puppy’s Perspective!

Hi over there…I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m slightly occupied.


You see, a new toy recently came for me in the mail.


Just look at it!


That chicken flavor makes me so wild!


They call it a DuraChew. It’s for puppies just like me,
that like to chew! Boy, I do love to use my mouth. It’s
always open & nibbling on something. Teehee!


I like to fling it around like this!
Being so heavy, it makes for a good instrument 
when getting Mom’s attention.


Now leave me be. My favorite toys and I need
some time to be alone.


Ash has the DuraChew for wolf-sized dogs. You can find it here.

Husky Puppy Toy Destruction; Puppy Toy Review; What Do You Buy?


This is what having a pretty table piece gets me….

Okay, so it has became even MORE apparent that Chris and I really need to step up our game for Ash.

We can’t just buy him 10 toys at once, all cheap and cute.


Back then, toys weren’t destroyed as fast.. 😦


When we kept all of his stuffed toys in his over-night kennel, one morning we just woke up to this.
Never again! O_O

Having the stuffing scattered EVERYWHERE is not only very tedious to clean up, but not healthy for the dogs.

Maybe you saw our backyard? I had to go back there one day with a grabber and a trash bag to pick it all up. The bag was over flowing by the time I finished. Well, lots of leaves and other miscellaneous parts Ash destroyed were a part of this as well, but you get the idea, right?

My mother actually bought a rope toy for Ash and mailed it to me. (green thing seen in above picture)
He didn’t take interest in it until the last couple of weeks because he’s starting to develop a different interest in toys. He and Honey played with it together and it only took them a few days to rip that sucker in half. They now play with the stringy segments of what used to be…

I had to unclog my vacuum because of this.

This destruction & endless cleaning brings me to my next course of action-as well as quandaries! 


Yes Mom, I am listening!

Good lord, look at what he did to that porch. O_O

I feel that shopping online for toys is my best move. I’ve gone to Walmart and Petco, looked at the toys, but reading reviews and talking to other people seems much better. Let’s face it, asking an employee which they recommend isn’t going to cut it.

I’m going to start with two toys I came across. They seem reasonable to me. Let me hear your thoughts! 

Nylabone Teething Rings for Puppies

Kong Wobbler 

I’d love to hear what you buy your dogs!