Did You Want The Foo-Food?

Ash has a growing excitement when he knows that feeding time is near.

Chris and I have a goal to have Ash speak to us when he’s hungry. So far, it only works when we say the words, “foo-food.”

He still gets a little too excited, and we’re trying to break him of jumping and freaking out. He has gotten significantly better since this video was filmed!

Before the night is brought to and End

Before we cuddle up in our beds, set our alarms, and let our minds wander off to dream land…. here’s just a short clip to end your day!

Ash, take it away!

I was going through my computer files and came across videos I hadn’t been through yet to edit. Expect some more to come! Most likely you will see quite a bit more of tiny Ash, back when he had itty bitty legs and paws. ❤

You’ll Not Believe It! Ocean-Bound Husky Pup!

& for those that have wondered: this is how we train him. 

Of course, I am just kidding.

This morning it was just Ash and I. Chris was sleeping, and I had just fed the dogs and myself. I decided it was such a beautiful day outside, we needed to go for a walk! We even for the first time went both of our different routes.

With our first route, Ash was happy to find sprinklers pointing towards the road, watering right where we needed to walk! He was at first put off to the idea of getting splashed, but after I walked through it with him I like to think he said, “Yea, I could get used to this. That’s a nice feeling!” I had to pull him away from the sprinklers after that. Haha. On our way back from that way he crossed the street just so as to walk through the water again, happy as ever.

Afterwards, we took the turn in the neighborhood that lead us to the bay! I said “Bay! Bay! Bay” a few times as we went and he got really excited because he knows what that is. 😀

Once there, he was checking out a small pond before the dock.  I guess he was already very water-friendly because he just began walking through there. My jaw kinda dropped and I smiled really big because I couldn’t believe how confident he was. (Mind you, I’ve never had a dog in my entire life that has liked water.) He inched in more and more until the water was up to his neck. I decided to lead him out because honestly, the water looked rather dirty and he had the chance to cool off in that time.

We went onward to the dock where we started walking because he loves getting out there for the breeze. He’ll just sit there for 30 minutes letting the wind blow on him. I didn’t want to let him go all the way to the end because there was a man fishing and didn’t want to disturb him.

I noticed Ash getting nervously close to the edge and before I could pull him back, he puts one paw forward and just leaps in! I was more amazed than earlier (of course,) and I was really happy for a second, but then once he realized he had no way of getting back up to where I was he freaked out and began to swim under the dock where I couldn’t reach him. I had to guide him with the leash towards the man and once I was close enough I asked for his help. He was kind enough to assist me in lifting him out of the water. I can hardly lift Ash when he’s  dry and on land. I was so thankful to him for helping me out because this day Chris wasn’t there.

It’s safe to say that Ash really enjoys the water, but now we have to be careful about him! I immediately gave him a bath when we got home. Can’t wait to swim with him in the future! It’s so strange that he was careless enough to just fall into the bay water, no hesitation at all. I guess warm days will do that to a husky. 😛

Ash may like to swim, but not so sure he likes getting cleaned up. 


Ash has actually been known to jump in the tub when he’s running around our bedroom and just play in there.

I guess he is a water doggy.



Really makes me sad to see him so depressed about the fun being over.

He doesn’t really enjoy being made to sit in the tub while we clean his fur and dry him off afterwards.
He would rather be swimming with the fishies.



Definitely…not a fan.

Going Batty!

Lately, how neighborhood walks look by the time it’s over:

May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013

Chris was needless to say, ready to get in the house. Me stopping for pictures? Kinda annoying.

Ash, of course is smilin’ away. He had a good walk.


Don’t get me wrong, Ash behaves well on his leash, but sometimes we aren’t in the “mood” to handle Mr. Curiosity. Chris is good about correcting his behavior when he pulls, lunges, or begins to stray. I’m learning from his actions with Ash. We usually start out with Chris walking him to the bay, and I’ll walk him back.

Of all the dogs I’ve ever had in my life, Ash is the best to walk.

Tonight we walked Ash a little later than usual. The sun was almost down, and little creatures were coming out. Ash for the first time was seeing them outside of the yard. With every frog he spotted (&there were a few,) he’d lunge towards it. It got rather tedious after about 4 corrections. Let’s not mention there were bats flying over our heads as well.


How Obedience Works;Lovely Dog Walks-Pictures From The Bay

This puppy wants me to catch up to them.


He doesn’t enjoy putting his Husky stroll on a brief hold.


“Adventurous Ash” saw many curious things along the way.


Told you.



It’s crazy, you know… Out of all the dogs Chris or I have had growing up, none have been as well behaved as Ash is.


Meako, who was the dog I had with my parents, but was trained by my dad. Meako could do a bunch of tricks, and he was obedient…to an extent.

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It’s very surprising to me because Ash will mind Chris and I without us having to be angry. We never are. Ash is just a puppy, Meako is more than 7 years old.

I truly feel that what has helped Chris and I along the way is the fact that we don’t want to discipline out of anger.

Meako was always so terrified of my dad. Meako would hear my dad come home and immediately come find me rather than meet him at the door.

Just like with children, never use your frustration to “scare them straight,” as I was told.

<br/><a href="https://i0.wp.com/oi48.tinypic.com/io4606.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

We are not experts on any of this, in fact we’re still making mistakes, and not doing things quite as well as we’d like. I think we might be doing some things right though, I’m happy to say.

I watch Chris with Ash and I am so proud. He does very well with him, especially when it comes to  giving commands and affection.

Cutie was sweet with Chris, and Honey is a well-behaved dog herself. There are though, the occasional annoyances when we let her in the backyard on her own, or when she feels obligated to lie on every bed in the house. Let’s not forget the fact that she wasn’t taught how to walk on a leash in her earlier years, and she’s just too anxious now for us to try it.. She chases after….everything.

We are kids. We are kids and we have been raising our Siberian Husky puppy since he was 6 weeks old, and we’ve been doing one hell of a job at it, if I DO say so myself. 🙂




Ash wants all of his readers to know that he loves you. ❤


We have had a really fun time at the bay the last couple of days.


We’re really liking the walks there. It’s going to be a regular thing.





From all of us here in Florida, we wanted to say thanks for the views and all of the lovely comments. We really appreciate it. 🙂

We’ll have a new video up shortly!

Be prepared for some surprises. 🙂

First Walk On A Leash

There’s been a time or two Chris or I have attempted going on walks with him, this was obviously when he was a little younger. We never got too far, needless to say.

Tonight was the first time we actually made it quite a ways.


Because he was so curious about all the new land, he was VERY easy to walk with. This time (unlike the time before,) he didn’t do too much biting at his own leash, and he listened rather well.

Cars would pass by and he would stare at them until they got closer. When they came towards us he casually walked between my legs or leaned against me.


“Yeah mom, I’m not doing this cuz I’m scared, just uh.. y’kno, hangin’ out and watchin’ the cars pass. It’s cool.”

He liked finding new objects to sniff and put his nose up under. He picked up a few questionable objects here and there. Usual dog stuff went on.


At one point he ALMOST met a new pal, but he was too turned off by the idea. As we were about to cross the street he spotted a full-grown German Sheppard.

Image“Someday I too will be big like him.”


picture phone quality

Growing A lot-Gettin’ Smarter!

Hey everyone, he’s growing into a big boy!

<br/><a href="https://i0.wp.com/oi48.tinypic.com/10fywjl.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>


Ash would just like to say thank you for all of the love. He’s happy about over 800 profile views and for his horsey toy of course.

Today, when I got home from work I walked over to his kennel downstairs and said Hi to him. He jumped right into my lap and wouldn’t stop yapping! He usually does that when I get home and he’s been by himself for a little while. That’s his way of talking to me I assume. He was hopping around me, still yapping and carrying on. He made sure to stand in front of me and do it some more, then running towards the stairs, waited for me, and yapped a little more (of course.)

He ran his little booty up them stairs and collided into the net fence of the media room (there’s no door, so it’s to make sure he doesn’t leave when he’s in there.)

He kept banging his head against the fence until I picked him up, set him down on the other side, and he knew right where he was to go. He ran straight into his “ken-ken” and waited for me to pour him some lunch.

What a smarty.

And here are some pictures never before seen!




“Hey, I’m sleepin’ here! Turn off the lights…”

<br/><a href="https://i0.wp.com/oi47.tinypic.com/2nvtjq1.jpg" target="_blank">View Raw Image</a>

All pictures taken 2/26/2013

I’ve Had Enough Today

No More!

Yesterday was Ash’s first visit to the Doctor. He seemed to not mind the car ride there once I let him curl up in my favorite furry blanket. He slept mostly.

Everyone at the office was very infatuated with him, and thankfully he was well behaved. He let me hold him, and didn’t make a single whine. However, he did get a little rowdy once the Doc had to get a sample…. 😦

He slept a lot. I think the day took a lot out of him because once Chris got home, he was ready to play!

We’re happy now. 🙂

Love This Little Guy


Ash has been a good puppy. He’s 6 weeks old today. We really can’t believe he’s that young.. We are doing our very best with him. This is mine and Chris’ first time raising a puppy, especially together. Honestly, I think the two of us are doing great! He can be a little bit of a hand-full sometimes, but what puppy isn’t? 🙂

A few things we used to take for granted before Ash:

– Sleep/naps

– Baths

– Toilet Paper

– Sleep….

Going barefoot

The list does go on.

We really cannot complain too much. We love our lives with him in it. He brings us a lot of joy.

What I’ve loved so far with him here:

– Waking up to his cutesy little face in the early morning, so happy to see one of us

– Warming up against him when I take him outside and it’s cold out

– Coming home from work to have Chris & Ash meet me at the door (probably Chris’ way of telling me his shift is over!) 🙂

– Seeing Honey & him get along ❤

– His smelly breath when he gives us kisses

– His howls when he wants our attention

– The way he gets frightened and runs under our legs for shelter

– His little grunts when we pick him up from sleepy naps
