Welcoming Fall <3

I told Ash the weather would get nicer.. and boy, is he glad. 🙂

Weather has dropped to around 68 in Florida for the morning hours at least! We’ve taken advantage of earlier walks, and Ash is grateful. I’ve never experienced the fall season to be this pretty here. It was warmer last year. 

Hm, it’s funny though… my Florida friends have asked why it is I’ve been wearing shorts around. I should be in jackets!

Really, should I? 
I come from Texas, you’ll have to remember. This isn’t even cold weather yet. Sure, it’s getting chillier, but this is just the very end to shorts weather. I’m going to take advantage, you hear me!

I’m not sure if Ash will ever get to experience “his kind” of weather unless of course we move, or go on vacation in the winter. Hell, we call our room his igloo, and he prefers it over any other room in the house. 


Reaching A HUGE Milestone!

This was an important experience for Chris and I, especially little Asher! Yesterday, I took Ash on a car ride through town. I usually try to get him in the car with me once every couple of weeks. Not too much, because he’s so big, and our car has leather seats; Haha. It had just rained, and it finally cooled down a lot. It the perfect time for Ash to be out with me. He especially enjoyed the cool wind down the road. My only concern was when he nearly jumped out of the window going down the Highway… :/ Somehow, he got the window down further even though the lock was on. I still don’t know about that…

We stopped by the neighborhood dog park, which is typically not crowded at all. It’s behind woods, and we live in a small town anyways. I wasn’t worried about people. However, I was anxious to see his reaction to other dogs. I was thankful that when we arrived, there was just one lady and her two small dogs on one side of the fence. They were in the small dogs part of the park. I let Ash off his leash, and we walked over to them with the fence between us. Her dogs were curious, and even one was barking and freaking Ash out, so I made sure Ash “introduced” himself to calm the little one down.

He at first would cower behind me, but I kept moving, letting him stand his own ground. He did. Just a few moments after the introduction to the small dogs, another lady with a dog about the size of Ash joined us on our side. Ash instantly took interest as they were both walking toward us.

I was very happy to discover how well Ash did with another dog, especially since it was his first experience. The only other time he gets to play with other dogs is at home with Honey, and even she doesn’t like it because she’s old. This was good for him. With the adventure to the park, and the time spent playing, and getting to know other dogs, Ash will grow up to be the social Husky we so desire.

Chris and I have discussed the fact that he really deserved a dog to play with at home. Honey doesn’t have it in her to keep up with his energy and playfulness. She’s been outgrown for quite some time and we can see it in her actions lately.

We watched a lot of documentaries and advice videos for training your dogs, and socializing them the correct way. Our biggest fear was that he would be jealous, territorial, frightened, or intimidated. He has turned out to be none of the above, and we are SO VERY grateful for this.

As I was talking to the other dog owners, they let me in on tips for where to take Ash in the future. I didn’t even know how many dog-friendly places we have!

Let me know about your socialization stories, please! I’d love to get to know more. 🙂

Enjoy the video.

– Knikki, Proud doggy Mama

Ash through the Months

Ash isn’t even a year old yet. Small moments we’ve captured in the last 7 months were put together into a video montage. We have such a happy puppy!

Already 7 Months?

Good Morning To You

Good Morning To You

This morning it was Ash and I in the house while the guys and Hun slept a few extra hours.

August 2013

August 2013

When it’s my day off, Ash is out with me all morning while Chris gets his beauty rest.

August 2013

What’cha lookin’ at, boy?

So many int’restin’ objects that run, and climb. 
How come I’m never free out there???

Silly Ash, you should know the front yard is off limits by now. Just wait for our walk tonight! 

 6 months, 25 days

6 months, 25 days

His innocent face, and cheesy grin. I love seeing this every day.
~ He’s never sad. ~

Are you positive I can't play out front?

Are you positive I can’t play out front?

We’ve discovered recently, that Ash desperately wants someone to play rope with him. He follows (me at least) around the house with his rope, sticking his nose between my legs, trying to make me grab on. He wants a tug of war buddy now that Honey has grown tired of his craziness.

Please Play..

Please Play..

In just a few more days he will be 7 months old! I really can’t believe it. 🙂
He’s become such a handsome boy.
Am I being such a doggy mom to say I’m proud of us?  We’re doing well, I say.

Happy ALMOST 7 Months, Ash!

Happy ALMOST 7 Months, Ash!

He has muscles… teehee.

He’s A Character

As we got ready for our walk today, Ash was overly-excited. So much so that it took several attempts to get this picture from him. “Ash, Sit…. No, SIT! Ash… Sit…. SIT!” 


“Mom, this is me telling you no time should be wasted! I am ready for my walk. You should be getting me harnessed and leashed right now!”



He’s a character, really.

A Surprise Adventure & First For Us All! (Video Included! Please Watch :)

Good Evening, Everyone, or good day to those of you just now seeing this because you’re not up late like us!

I wanted to make sure I got this post up. 🙂

Ash is lying on the bed in between mine and Chris’ desk. He looks up at me with a huge, cheesy smile every now and then.

(Filmed when I came home from work today.)

His most favorite toy is a rope. I should just stock up on them, and keep a box stored away. Every time he goes through one, I can replace it. He’s gone quite a while without a rope because of course, he shreds it while playing with Honey.

On June 25th, we did another FIRST with Ash. 

Early Morning in June


It was early in the morning. (7 AM) 




All credit for these beautiful pictures goes to Chris. He did a great job, didn’t he? We were in the car, so that’s why some parts are blurry. 🙂 


I really love the mornings at this hour. Let me clarify, I love to be off work, and up at this time, spending it with Chris and our puppy. 

When I work, I am usually up before the sun, and have to work through sunrise, which I kinda really hate I guess.


Looooveeee no one on the road, windows down, and my 2 boys in the car with me. 🙂


Can you guess yet where our car adventure took us?

June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013

He wasn’t even aware yet. How exciting this is!

June 25, 2013

Welcome to the beach, boy.
Don’t worry, you’ll love it. 


See, this is Florida water. Your home. 


He sat on the beach for a good while letting the wind blow on his face.
He and Chris ran up and down, every now and then Ash did small splashes in the water.
He was hesitant to dive in.


As you can tell. Haha
Ash pulled on his leash to tell us, “No way, guys! I’ll stay up here in the sand and watch you get trampled by ‘dem waves.”
It’s a good thing it was a green flag day.


We didn’t force him in water when he really didn’t want to, but we did pull him into it every so often so he could feel the water.
Just like at the bay, with each visit I’m sure he’ll grow more fond of the water.

He enjoyed the sand though.



I Will Sit Right Here, Holding This Leash For As Long As It Takes. Don’t Make ME GO.



At one point, Ash really did dive in! It was so cute. He just started to prance into the ocean once the waves went away, and shortly after pranced right back towards the beach.


Why the water gotta be so mad? 



What did I ever do? 


Haha! I’ll get it now!


And…now we break.

We like this picture of him. It looks like he’s in snow. If it really were, he would have a blast!


We’ll just watch the sun rise for now. This is nice. 🙂




He’s very wolf-like. It’s in his eyes. Beautiful. ❤

June 25, 2013~Sunrise

June 25, 2013~Sunrise

& now for the video!
I apologize for it being so long. Hehe. It’s 12 minutes.

You’ll Not Believe It! Ocean-Bound Husky Pup!

& for those that have wondered: this is how we train him. 

Of course, I am just kidding.

This morning it was just Ash and I. Chris was sleeping, and I had just fed the dogs and myself. I decided it was such a beautiful day outside, we needed to go for a walk! We even for the first time went both of our different routes.

With our first route, Ash was happy to find sprinklers pointing towards the road, watering right where we needed to walk! He was at first put off to the idea of getting splashed, but after I walked through it with him I like to think he said, “Yea, I could get used to this. That’s a nice feeling!” I had to pull him away from the sprinklers after that. Haha. On our way back from that way he crossed the street just so as to walk through the water again, happy as ever.

Afterwards, we took the turn in the neighborhood that lead us to the bay! I said “Bay! Bay! Bay” a few times as we went and he got really excited because he knows what that is. 😀

Once there, he was checking out a small pond before the dock.  I guess he was already very water-friendly because he just began walking through there. My jaw kinda dropped and I smiled really big because I couldn’t believe how confident he was. (Mind you, I’ve never had a dog in my entire life that has liked water.) He inched in more and more until the water was up to his neck. I decided to lead him out because honestly, the water looked rather dirty and he had the chance to cool off in that time.

We went onward to the dock where we started walking because he loves getting out there for the breeze. He’ll just sit there for 30 minutes letting the wind blow on him. I didn’t want to let him go all the way to the end because there was a man fishing and didn’t want to disturb him.

I noticed Ash getting nervously close to the edge and before I could pull him back, he puts one paw forward and just leaps in! I was more amazed than earlier (of course,) and I was really happy for a second, but then once he realized he had no way of getting back up to where I was he freaked out and began to swim under the dock where I couldn’t reach him. I had to guide him with the leash towards the man and once I was close enough I asked for his help. He was kind enough to assist me in lifting him out of the water. I can hardly lift Ash when he’s  dry and on land. I was so thankful to him for helping me out because this day Chris wasn’t there.

It’s safe to say that Ash really enjoys the water, but now we have to be careful about him! I immediately gave him a bath when we got home. Can’t wait to swim with him in the future! It’s so strange that he was careless enough to just fall into the bay water, no hesitation at all. I guess warm days will do that to a husky. 😛

Ash may like to swim, but not so sure he likes getting cleaned up. 


Ash has actually been known to jump in the tub when he’s running around our bedroom and just play in there.

I guess he is a water doggy.



Really makes me sad to see him so depressed about the fun being over.

He doesn’t really enjoy being made to sit in the tub while we clean his fur and dry him off afterwards.
He would rather be swimming with the fishies.



Definitely…not a fan.